The idea
To create two applications with the aim of safely and effectively rendering a car harmless.
In VR, the player can go through a mini scenario in which they have to view specific elements of the car, so that they can learn how, for example, an electric car should be switched off in specific situations.
The AR version makes it possible to place a digital car in real space, and then view all these elements. This gives the user a better feel for the scale of the car, and where all these elements really are. It is also possible to project the 3D model over the real car.
Launched product
A virtual and augmented reality application in which people see the parts of various cars in order to disable them in real life in an effective and safe way. Photos and videos have also been incorporated to make it even more realistic and lifelike.
The customer provided a training software for emergency troops (fire brigade, etc.) that is used when a car crashed. In this software they can see per car model what kind of components are present on a 2D map, and the information for all these components. This information is used to learn where they can and cannot cut in connection with hazardous gases, etc. Our challenge was to convert this from a 2D map into a 3D application.
Versatility is paramount!
You can move freely around the entire car, making it possible to view the points in the car even better. Multiple cars will be found in different scenarios. This is why there is also a teleportation function built into the VR application. By using different cars in changing scenarios, the possibilities are limitless!